
How to bypass any LG phone! frp

This phone was hard at first to figure out due to certain areas being framed in for me for whatever reason. However after Hard Resetting a few times I was able to get where i wanted to start. This tutorial is based off a handful of methods from research I did. It works perfect for this model. There is no hardware methods so this must be done manually.

I'm hoping you have some experience manually removing FRP already before reading this. I'm trying to keep it short and simple. I suck at videos but maybe I will get around to making some eventually one day.
1. HARD RESET your phone. Make sure you do this before starting the next step.
2. Connect to wifi and go back to the start and get into accessibility mode. Enable Global Context Menu by making an L shape on the screen. Goto TalkBack Settings. Once you are in press both volume keys to suspend Talkback. Scroll down to the bottom and select Help and Feedback. Click on where it says About Switch Access for Android (if this is framed in a window then hard reset and restart again). This should take you to the Help section with About Switch Access for Android at the top with a youtube video at the bottom.
3. Click the youtube video and click the share button (arrow at the top right). This should show you a box with the link highlighted. Double tap this to open up YouTube. Once youtube is opened click the share button at the top right once again and this time you will be presented with where to share to. Click on Gmail. At this point pause and create a hotmail account on another device or use one of your own if you have it handy. Yahoo did not work for me so I stuck with hotmail. Forward on into gmail and select hotmail, fill out the information, and forward on until it says Take Me To Gmail at the bottom. Click this and then click the top right 3 dots and goto settings. Click the top 3 dots again then click manage accounts. You should be in settings now.
4. Scroll down to Fingerprints and Security and click this. Goto Phone Administration and disable AndroidDevice Manager. Next goto Apps section of Settings. Click top right 3 dots and select show all apps. Scroll down to Setup Wizard, you should see 2. Disable/Force stop and clear cache/data on both. Now scroll up to Google Account Manager and repeat previous process then onto Google Play Service doing the same. Restart your phone.
5. Suspend TalkBack by pressing both up/down volume buttons and go forward in settings until you get to wifi. Disable wifi. Follow through until you get to the EULA. Scroll down in this box until you see the Heading OptOut. This next part can be a little tricky. Tap on where it says . A box should pop up at the bottom if it doesn't double click or click and hold. I had to double tap the area and hold before it would appear. In this box click Gmail and when prompted enable Google Play Services. After this you should arrive back where you were at OptOut section of the EULA. Tap the email again and it will take you into Gmail. Click the top right 3 dots as you did before, repeat earlier process again, and get into Settings. Go back to Fingerprints and Security and enable Unknown Sources. Next turn on wifi.
6. Go back on settings then goto Apps. Scroll down to YouTube and click it. Click Notifications then click the top right icon ( i ). Next click About then click on Google Privacy Policy and forward into the browser. Now you are going to download some apps and install them. Download these 3 apps and install/open each during the process. The apps are Sidebar / Quick Shortcut Maker / Shortcut Master Lite. Open up Sidebar by using two fingers and swiping over from the left side of the screen. Once it slides into view add all 3 apps except for sidebar to it and also add Settings. If you want to pause here and pick up later thats fine as sidebar will be able to be used even if the phone is rebooted.
7. Now click on settings and goto Apps, tap 3 dots, select show system apps and now you are going to Disable/Force Stop and clear cache/data of all these appsGoogle App / Google Backup Transport / GoogleCalender Sync / Google Contacts Sync / Google Drive Promotion / Google One Time Init / Google Partner Setup / Google Play Services / Google Play Store / Google Services Framework / Google Text-To-Speech Engine / Setup Wizard (both).
8. Now pull into view the Sidebar and click on Shortcut Master Lite. Click on the top right 3 dots and click search. Type Setup Wizard into the bottom search field and click search. Now click on the first Setup Wizard link that shows. and click launch.
9. You should be back at the setup screen. Forward through until you get to wifi and shut it off.
10. Now comes the last but fun part. We are going to crash the Setup Wizard. Go back to the start screen of the setup wizard and repeadtly go forward and back until the app crashes and do this until you see the home screen (remind you of iphone glitches? ha) it WILL work just have to do it many times. Once you get to the home screen, go into settings and enable developer mode then get into developer mode and enable OEM Unlock next goto Backup and Reset and reset your phone. DONE. Enjoy your phone now.
Here are easier more precise instructions for this last step:
Next [SKIP]
Then [NEXT]
Then tap 3-4 times quickly on [BACK KEY] where you should end up on "Welcome Screen"
Repeat the above steps another time or 2 if it has not worked yet. It will! Sometimes it takes a try or two!
Alternative to Step 10. Click on quickshortcut maker from your sidebar and scroll down until you see Home and click it. You should now be past the setup wizard and onto your Home Screen. Not done just yet. Click on Shortcutmaster Lite and it will bring you to your Home Screen. Now you are officially past everything. (Pretty sure this method doesn't work for the LGL83BL but I figured I would mention it incase it just didn't work for me for w/e reason). Go into settings and enable developer mode then get into developer mode and enable OEM Unlock next goto Backup and Reset and reset your phone. DONE. Enjoy your phone now.

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